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11 September 2022 - 19 September 2022
86th Thessaloniki International Fair
The national exhibition agency counts more than eight decades of life. The story began in 1925 with the deputy’s Nikolaos Germanos efforts for the realization of an international exhibition, the first in Greece. So the first Thessaloniki International Fair opened in October 3, 1926, marking the beginning of an important chapter in the region’s economy. Today Thessaloniki International Fair with a vast experience and expertise in the management of exhibition facilities but also in organizing exhibitions constitutes an official consultant of the State in exhibition policy issues. TIF- HELEXPO organizes major exhibitions, regional exhibitions throughout Greece, participates in major exhibitions abroad with national pavilions and manages the facilities of the International Exhibition and Conference Centre of Thessaloniki and Athens Exhibition and Conference Centre
The International Exhibition and Conference Centre TIF-Helexpo in Thessaloniki covers an area of 180,000 square meters, of which 62,000 sq.m. are an indoor exhibition area. The exhibition complex consists of three conference centers,”Nikolaos Germanos”, “Ioannis Vellidis” and Helexpo Corona, with a total capacity of 4,000 seats. The three conference centers are equipped with modern electronic and audiovisual systems.
In addition to the exhibition installations in Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki International Fair-Helexpo owns Helexpo Maroussi, located at Kifissias Avenue in Maroussi.
The TIF-Helexpo is responsible for organizing the International Fair of Thessaloniki, organizes over 15 branch exhibitions annually, operates regional exhibitions throughout Greece, organizes national pavilions at major international exhibitions abroad, conferences and cultural events, manages and operates its property and the radio station Praktoreio 104.9 (Radio TIF) and consults to the State on the exhibition policy. Among its objectives are the development and strengthening of economic and friendly relations between people, the promotion and the support of the Greek production and processing, as well as the promotion of Greek tourism.
The current strategy of Thessaloniki International Fair-Helexpo is concentrated on the following policies and course of actions: internationalization, cooperation at international and domestic level, along with more valuable and prestigious events for exhibitors and visitors. Internationalization and new partnerships include the agreement with Reed Exhibitions Messe Wien, which brings in Thessaloniki their most important and most recognized international exhibition brand, the Aqua-Therm. From 2016 Thessaloniki International Fair-Helexpo will exclusively organize Aqua-Therm in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Albania and Cyprus.
The exhibition calendar of national exhibition organization includes over 15 branch exhibitions. More here.
The TIF-Helexpo has set up a network of regional exhibition and conference centers, which with the support and cooperation of local actors across Greece, is a tool for its dissemination exhibition concept. In this context, the TIF-Helexpo organizes annual regional exhibition “Eastern Macedonia Thrace“.
Among the top priorities of the company is its Internationalization through establishing communication channels with international exhibitors. Long time international networking actions resulted in the participation of Helexpo in the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (Union des Foires International-UFI) as well as the International Association of Exhibition Managers (IAEM). It is also a member of:
– Ιnternational Congress & Convention Association
– Central European Fair Alliance
– AIPC (The International Association of Congress Centres)
– IAEE (International Association for Exhibitions & Events)
– ITTFA (International Tourism Trade Fair Association)
– HAPCO (Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organizers).
It is also a member of the following Chambers: Greek-German, Greek-Italian, Greek-Arab, Greek-Russian, Greek-French, Greek-American, Greek-Chinese.
At the same time, it cooperates with the Greek Foreign Ministry, the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING), the Greek International Business Association (SEVE), the Greek Tourism Organisation (GTO) and the Cyprus State Fairs Authority.