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11 März 2022 @ 21:00
Live: The Harakiri For The Sky Band at the Eightball Club
Austrian Harakiri For The Sky – HFTS return to Eightball Club, on Friday 11 March 2022 and present their new album „Mӕre“.
It’s already been 3 years since Harakiri For The Sky’s last visit to Greece, probably the strangest years in modern music history. The warm relationship between the Greek audience and the Austrian post black metallers has been solidified since that sold out 2 days back in 2019 when no one could imagine what would follow.
Friday 11 March 2022 at 21:00
Arrival time at 20:30
Ticket prices:
limited pre-sale : 19€
pre-sale : 22€
box office : 25€
viva. gr (nationwide)
Wind stores (nationwide)
Reload Stores (Athens)
Metal Era (Athens)
The Nephilim Store (Thessaloniki)