Thessaloniki is a paradise of flavors and you will realize that from the very first walk around the city. Gyros shops, bougatsa shops, ouzo bars, local cuisine taverns and pubs, bar-restaurants, places with more gourmet tastes as well as traditional pastry shops, you will find everywhere: in central parts of the city, near the sea, high up in the walls or hidden in unexpected corners within the urban fabric. Your gastronomic experience is endless!

The gastronomic identity of Thessaloniki shaped by local flavors enriched by the cultures that passed through the city and the recipes the Greek refugees brought with them from Asia Minor, Pontos and Eastern Thrace. Today the cuisine of Thessaloniki progresses, with the creative mood of the chefs to experiment and make new suggestions on traditional flavors, catapulting your palate!

The greatest travel magazines, newspapers and global websites they discover the gastronomic world of Thessaloniki, among them the New York Times which included Thessaloniki in the list of 52 cities in the world that should be visited in 2016, particularly noting that “the second town of Greece is first in the eating! Read more here

Follow the the gastronomic map we made for you and make your own experiences with flavor Thessaloniki!

Stelios Kechris酒庄

酒庄位于Kalochori 的Olympou街,紧邻第一家家庭酒庄,距离塞萨洛尼基的中心地带仅10公里之遥。Stelios Kechris酒庄的宗旨是生产出真正优质、质量上乘的葡萄酒,以迎合葡萄酒爱好者越来越高的期待值。凭借明星产品——松香味希腊葡萄酒(Retsina),Stelios Kechris将其可视化为现代版,并展示其将传统引领


具有独特称号“北希腊葡萄酒”的协会由28个酒庄及会员组成,共同打造北希腊葡萄园的葡萄酒形象,在国内外高效推广,共谋葡萄园及周边地区的共同事业及景观旅游发展,基于希腊葡萄酒和葡萄园的文化遗产这一强大背景的支持,参与制定葡萄种植者、葡萄酒酿造商以及商人之间关系的规则和立法,以及通过教育和美食文化庆祝活动,发祥不可或缺的葡萄酒文化 。 详


塞萨洛尼基是希腊第一个拥有都市葡萄园的城市! 它位于AgiouDimitriou街,在Kaftanzoglio体育馆对面,面积为2英亩。本地种植的希腊品种有:希诺马洛(xinomavro)、阿吉提可(agioritiko),玛拉格西亚(malagouzia)和龙博拉(rombola)。在2014年,葡萄园的第一个收获季节,许许多多的塞萨洛


比赛期间,在国际贸易博览会(HELEXPO)的前提下举行,来自希腊和世界各地知名的专业人士——酿酒师、侍酒师以及新闻媒体记者,品尝并评价世界各地的葡萄酒。葡萄酒爱好者还可以把握这个绝佳机会,在比赛结束后的品酒活动中品尝获奖葡萄酒和烈酒。 塞萨洛尼基的国际葡萄酒暨烈酒大赛,是由希腊北部葡萄园、葡萄酒生产商协会与国际贸易博览会——HEL



Gerovassiliou Wine 博物馆

这是一个倍受青睐游客的博物馆,它建于酒庄内。故事叙述通过两个主要的收藏品展开:开瓶器收藏品(全球2600个最大开瓶器之一)、瓶子、船舶和研讨会饮料杯、葡萄栽培工具、种植、酿酒、酿造及装瓶器具等。 博物馆毗邻葡萄园、酒庄和品酒室、以及季节的交替变化加剧了游客的深度体验。 博物馆方便残疾人士入馆

KtimaBabatzimopoulou酒 庄

坐落于Ossa, Langadas 区的“KtimaAnestisBabatzimopoulos ”酒庄,建在风景迤逦的Vertiskos山坡上,海拔620米,距离塞萨洛尼基 32公里,它绵延500英亩以上,其中264英亩采用有机种植技术的各类希腊国内外葡萄品种,而其余则被静谧的森林所覆盖,其独特地理位置所赋予的宜人风景,以及其富饶的种植


通过Vangelis Gerovassiliou和伙伴们的努力,以及Gerovassiliou葡萄酒高度一致的品质,得到欧洲及全球消费者的区分所认可。在过去的六年里,KtimaGerovassiliou被列入前100名酒庄名单,因其高识别度, Vangelis Gerovassiliou被认为是世界上最好的6家葡萄酒生产商之一。 乔