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14 сентября 2021 - 16 сентября 2021
1st Anopolis World Music Festival
The non-profit organization olipoli, in collaboration with the Third Municipal District of the Municipality of Thessaloniki (Γ’ Δημοτική Κοινότητα Δήμου Θεσσαλονίκης), organizes the 1st ANOPOLIS WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL from Tuesday, September 14th, to Thursday, September 16th 2021.
A new music festival, showcasing contemporary creative expressions inspired by the musical traditions of Greece, the Mediterranean and the Balkans, is coming to Thessaloniki, and invites you to a three-day celebration in the scenic alley ways, side streets and squares around Ano Poli that are all just waiting to be explored!
See the detailed line-up and concert schedule here.
Admission free by online pre-registration: https://olipoli.gr/en/node/39
We are looking forward to seeing you there!