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28 November 2024 @ 20:00

Sounds that Connect | Mordana Concert for the Day of the Mediterranean


as a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, and the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykeon invite you to the concert of the musical group Mordana, which will take place on Mediterranean Day, Thursday 28 November, at the Refugee Museum of the Cultural Neighborhood of the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykeon, with free entrance for all.

28 November is Mediterranean Day, a day of recognition of our common identity and heritage, a day of remembrance of the need for intercultural dialogue, exchange and cooperation, acceptance of diversity, strengthening the links between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

In honour of this day, the Anna Lindh Foundation coordinates the Sounds that Connect-the Day of the Mediterranean programme, in the framework of which every year on 28 November musical performances are held simultaneously in different countries of the Mediterranean, performances that are a sincere expression of unity and an attempt to connect people through the universal language of music.

In this context, the Mordana concert will take place in a symbolic effort to connect and express unity through music, with organisations and musicians performing concurrently on the same day in 24 Mediterranean countries.

During the concert, original instrumental compositions by Vangelis Vrachnos and Pericles Vrachnos will be performed, both from their first album Roots, and from their soon-to-be-released second album.


More information about the music group Mordana

Mordana is the result of the compositional partnership of the brothers Vrachnes, Pericles Vrachnos and Vangelis Vrachnos, who, based in Thessaloniki, decided to create together new musical horizons inspired by the tradition of their homeland.

The name comes from a peculiar appropriation of the term “mordent”, which in musical terminology translates as “mordent” and refers to the ornamentation of the melodic line.

Their sound reflects the musical influences of the multicultural heritage of the peoples who have lived in the region and the quests and discoveries of each musician’s individual journeys, with the improvisational mood inspired by the music of the Mediterranean, the taqasim of the East, free improvisation and jazz, gaining its own space in the sometimes complex interplay of rhythmic and melodic patterns.

Event information

Date: Thursday 28 November 2024

Arrival time: 19:15

Concert start time: 20:00

Location:Refugee Museum, 49 Evros Sector, Cultural Neighbourhood, Sikies, Sikies

Free entrance, with registration at the following link:


*The concert will also be live streamed on olipoli’s Facebook channel: https://www.facebook.com/olipoli.gr




28 November 2024
Event Category:


Μουσείο Προσφύγων, Συκιές