Church of Panayia Chalkeon


  • Coordinates:

    40.636799, 22.943633

  • Working hours:
    Morning Hours
  • Address:

    Junction of 2 Chalkeon Street & Egnatias Street.

The bright red color of the bricks on the outside of the church is the characteristic feature which gave to the Church the popular nickname ‘Red Church‘. This church was built in 1028 by Christophoros Protospatharios, Katepano (Governor) of Lagouvardia, his wife Maria and his children Nikiphoros, Anna and Katakali. It follows the classic Byzantine style, with four columns and three domes. It belongs to the “Macedonian Period” of Byzantine architecture and its location near the neighborhood of the coppersmiths gave to the church its name (Panayia Chalkeon).
