Apostle Paul in Thessaloniki


    When Paul arrived in Thessaloniki, he came across a city like no other, large, multiracial, seat of the governor of the Macedonian province, a city that enjoyed special privileges given by the Romans. He conducted his teachings at the Jews’ synagogue, most probable known as “Ets Ahaim” (Tree of Life), located near the city port, for three Saturdays, interpreting parts of the Holy Bible, about the Crucifixion of Christ and His Resurrection. His strong ability to convince and the intensity of his speech, led to the birth of the city’s Christian community. According to the local tradition, Paul taught Thessalonians at the south chapel of the Vlatadon Monastery. Soon enough, his actions steered commotion and problems, so, together with Silas, fled in the darkest hour of the night, aided by Christians, to Veroia, by climbing up the walls of Thessaloniki at the exact spot where Vlatadon Monastery was later built, as local legend has it.