Former Hamidiye School of Arts and Crafts (Axilithioti Engineering Workshop)


  • Coordinates:

    40.635440, 22.955991

  • Address:

    3, Eleni Zografou Street (opposite Evangelistria Cemetery)

This imposing complex, built in 1903, as a part of Islahane Foundation’s Technical School’s orphanage,  was established in the late 19th century in Thessaloniki, during modernization reforms held by the Ottoman Empire. It housed the school’s workshop which included a forge, a carpentry and an implementation unit for teaching professional skills to orphans. During the 20’s, since its classification as an exchange asset, it housed Axilithioti Engineering Workshop over a long period of time. Nowadays, following the building’s full restoration, it operates as a cultural center under the auspices of the Modern Monuments’ and Technical Works’ Service of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. Its permanent multimedia exhibition displays documents concerning the city’s ottoman history, the orphans’ technical training in Greece, as well as, the industrial history of Thessaloniki.