Thessaloniki Tourism Organization presents Thessaloniki to specialized travel agents in the 1st GREEK POLISH ALTERNATIVE TOURISM & GASTRONOMY WORKSHOP.
Focusing on the tourist advantages of the destination, the forms of alternative tourism and the gastronomic identity of the city, Thessaloniki Tourism Organization gained the interest of the Polish Travel Agents in the B2B meetings at the Greek Polish Alternative Tourism & Gastronomy Workshop.
The virtual GREEK POLISH ALTERNATIVE TOURISM & GASTRONOMY WORKSHOP took place from 8 to 10 December, 2020 with the participation of 70 travel agents and distinguished Polish journalists.
Poland is the third country in a row after Germany and UK to offer a tourist “breath” during the summer of 2020. According to Fraport data, arrivals from Poland to Greece reached 81,859. It is worth noting that Poland has the 8th largest economy in the European Union with 38.5 million potential consumers and belongs to the countries with the fastest growing economic growth rates in Europe.
The workshop ended with a raffle draw for Polish participants, tour operators and media, with the aim of promoting Greek products and services in the Polish market.